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ABOUT Oxford  1910 CBS

We are Oxfordshire's premier bird club and for more than 100 years have promoted and helped people in the keeping and breeding of all types of cage birds.


Birds remain the center of our monthly meetings. This combined with a wide range of guest speaker ensure they are always interesting and well attended.


A full list of meeting details can be found on the up coming events section. Here you will find more detailed information on the meeting.


We are a welcoming club that caters for all parts of the fancy and both young and experienced alike. Everyone is welcome to come along to any of our monthly meetings or all day shows.


With a wide range of experience you will always find a member willing to give you advice if you are thinking of starting to keep cage birds or returning to the hobby. Be it canaries, budgies, foreign or British we're here to help.

Bob honey winner 2019.jpg
President 2023-24: Mr Bob Honey
Read our latest Newsletter ->


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If you want to be part of our forward thinking club with a long tradition then come along to one of our meeting.


Annual subscription is just £3.00 per year for 2022. (From 2023 this will increase to £5.00 per year)

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